I am staying at the Hotel Hildago, a very nice colonial hotel in the central part of the city. I am here with Global Volunteers to teach English for two weeks. I have been here twice before so it is nice to reacquiant with some of the teachers as before, and even some of the hotel staff. This team of volunteers is large-twenty two - my largest team ever. I know about 5 of the volunteers from previous GV programs, like Vietnam, Italy, and China. Also, I know the program leader so this makes it all easier. The weather here is ideal. During the day it probably gets to about 85 and at night I need a blanket to sleep. Sunny all day and everyday so far.

To get to the school, we all ride in a large university bus. The ride to the school is about 30 minutes on the outskirts of the town. Queretaro has a population of about 2 million, with 5 Walmarts, a Costco, and Sam's Club. I haven't been to these stores but I have seen some of them on the bus ride. At the school, the English teachers seemed thrilled to have volunteers in the room. Because there is a lot of volunteers, each teacher has about 4 volunteers then we each work with a small group of about 4-6 students. Pretty ideal and this may spoil me for other programs in the future. Hehe!

This is like a community college where students get an associate degree. It is possble to get a BA or BS but few do. Most try to get a job after two years. The students all have to take 5 terms of English and finish the two years after 6 terms. Even with 5 terms of English, most can't converse in English. In working with my students, they all seemed pleased to listen to me, but frequently, they didn't understand or had to have me repeat, which is fine. Some freely admitted to me that English was there most difficult subject but still tried very hard to speak to me. Generally , the regular teacher gave me free rein to talk to them about anything and everything. They were all so honest and open so it was very refreshing. Most of my students have been young men, only one group had a majority of women.

So far, I have only taught two days and 5 hours per day, but still fairly warn out at the end of the day. We eat out as a group every night. It is a challenge for us to find a restaurant that can accommodate such a large group. But so far, we are finding plenty of good food.

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