The weather continues to be torrid. Today, the heat index was 102 degrees, and this is there winter. I can always retreat to my hotel room, thank goodness, which has the AC continually on. But I will be leaving here tomorrow and flying back to Bogota and then home to Portland. My limited experience in Colombia is 180 degrees different than what I thought I might experience. People are not overly friendly but if I initiated the conversation, they were quick to respond. I have not felt the least bit threatened or intimidated. I just need to learn more Spanish. You can't always find people who know English, nor do I expect it, but then you can find it in the strangest places. Yesterday, I was at the ATM. This ATM is like a small office and it has a guard on duty. (you do see lots of security guards everywhere). There are 4 ATM machines. The guard was talking to the locals, saying something about the machines. I started to ask him too, but explained that my native language was English. He immediately switched to English, and told me he never learned it in school, only studied on his own. His English was quite good. He was extremely helpful and friendly. Also, today, at the hotel, I heard lots of young kids frolicking in the hotel pool. Later, I saw them in the lobby and wondered if they were staying here. Billy, an employee of the hotel, told me that the boss of the hotel invites a number of poor neighborhood children to use the pool every Sunday. Then he buys them all ice cream before they go home. I thought this was a very nice gesture as these kids looked like they had very little. I saw several other acts of charity done for less fortunate. It made me feel good about the Colombians. Next time I come to Colombia I want to know more Spanish and take some cross country bus rides.

Now, to my Boat Tour. I signed up for a small ferry boat trip to two islands for the day. When I arrived at the pier, I was immediately taken to the much larger ferry boat for some reason. Knowing nothing, I didn't disagree and boarded going to the upper deck. On the upper deck, there was no room to really walk around, just rows and rows of bench seats. I was early, but after about 30 minutes, it was clear that this boat was going to be "full". Not sure if they sold more than they could legally hold, but it was no concern to any of the staff or to any of the passengers, except maybe for me. haha! Soon we were sitting ass to ass with only one aisle. I couldn't move it I wanted to. Then, after disembarking, the real "Colombia Party" began. They had an MC, an very loud stereo and karaoke machine that never shut off. It was like I was in some Colombian night club. The MC and everything was all in Spanish, Some passengers were dancing in the aisle. They were extremely active. The MC told jokes and got the audience involved. I do have to say these people do know how to party! Action nonstop! It never stopped for two hours. Finally we arrived at Rosario Island. Well, there was an aquarium there but that costs about 10 USD more, and I thought it was not worth it. The island was small with little or nothing to do, even though some people tried swimming. They we pulled out again to the next island, only this time I went downstairs. Again you couldn't really walk around there either but at least I escaped party scene. I also met a nice local family who I enjoyed visiting with.

Now, to my surprise, on the next island, they had to use two smaller boats to get us to shore. So everyone rushed to the small boat. But it would have to make two trips. This took quite a while for the boat to go back and forth. I took the second boat trip because I didn't really realize what was happening at first. Inside the small boat, people were just standing, with no space in between. Noah's Ark comes to mind, except we were not animals. After all this, I finally go to shore where were we were all going to have lunch. Again, a terrible long line, which is ok except that you have limited time until you have to board the ferry again. Thank heavens for a New York couple who saved me. I met them earlier too and they came and got me from the back of the line and brought me to the front with them. I bought them beer in return. After lunch, we then could walk around the beach but it was full of locals all trying to sell something. The water was clean looking and many did go in. Time passed quickly and then it was another huge ordeal to get back on the ferry boat. On the way back to Cartagena, I sat upstairs again but thankful most of the party people were tuckered out, so things were calmer. The MC was still going strong, and changed into his Michael Jackson clothes and did his sexiest routines. It was all in fun and I would have enjoyed it more if I knew Spanish. Not my favorite trip but live and learn.

Today, I went on a Therapeutic Volcanic Mud Massage trip. I wasn't sure I should do this either but I thought I had asked more questions this time before signing up. haha! I still need to ask a few more. Anyway, there was small charter bus that we rode in to go about 38 KM out of the city to an old volcanic site. There were about 20 on the bus from various hotels, so a much smaller group and a guide who spoke English. When we arrived, I realized it wasn't exactly like I had envisioned. This volcano seemed quite small. I knew we would have to walk a bit but they didn't say it would be up some pretty rickety stairs and the mud bath was at the top!!! Well, this was no time to back out! I decided i should be first in our group and get it over with!! The climb up wasn't bad but now, when you get to the top, you have to walk a short distance on a narrow path to step into this lava tub!! Well, as I maneuvered to the ladder to step into the mud, I tried not to thing about it. Stepping onto the ladder, you could already feel the slipperiness of the lava, so you have to be careful you didn't just "fall in". haha! And make a big splash!!

Once completely in, I could feel the tremendous bouncy of the mud. There was no way you could stand up, so you had to float on your back. Now a local man was trying to tell me what to do but in Spanish. Once I figured out what he wanted me to do, I was just floating on top of the lava and he began to massage my body. It really felt good. He did this a short time, and they directed me to turn over. Well that was a little trickier as you don't want to put your face in the mud, so I hung on to the wall. Again a nice massage on my backside. Then I just kind of soaked in the lava for a bit. Now, it was time to get out. I was a ways from the exit ladder and I just couldn't walk over there though the mud, so they just pass your body from one person to the next. And all the while, I am trying to help, grabbing on to who knows what, until I get to the ladder, to climb out.

Now for a new challenge. As I stepped out of the mud spa, I was on a small platform that attached to the descending stairs. But I noticed that the lava made your stability very dubious. I could just see myself sliding all the way down those stairs. So I started down very slowly, wrapping my arms around the stair poles, just in case. Thankful, the young Irish couple behind me, were almost as nervous as I was and told me to take my time. I was glad to reach the bottom.

Now for the cleansing in the lake. You walk a short distance to a lake to wash away all the mud. A woman leads me out to about thigh deep water and motions for me to sit, which I did. Now sitting with water almost to my neck, she proceeds to pour small buckets of water over my head and face. Each time, i am trying not to swallow any of this water just in case it might make me sick and at the same time I am thinking this must be like the Chinese water torture treatment!!! haha! I would never survive! Finally, after about 20 buckets she declares me clean and free to go. This also could be compared to immersion baptism!

After we dried off a little we, drove to another beach for lunch and some time in the water. The lunch was fresh grilled fish, with fried coconut rice and fried bananas(plantains). It was quite good. Arrived back at my hotel and felt good.

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