After the wedding finally ended, I decided to head to Ho Chi Minh for a few days before leaving for the Philippines on Sunday. I planned to go by taxi with Thu, Kim and Binh's other son but we had to attend one last family gathering of Binh's family. This was really a memorial service in the house of one of the uncles. The VNese, like most other Asian cultures, have one room in the house with photos of their parents and grandparents who have died. At the home, their were probably about 50 people, young and old, who were here for the wedding and were going back home soon, like me. There was a prayer service lead by the uncle and lasting about 30 minutes. Then after that, it was candy and drink, seated on the floor in a large circle in the same room. Always no furniture and tile floors. Getting down to the floor is no problem; it is just getting up after 30 minutes or more that is the challenge!! I always try to find a wall to brace myself up against, a way of cheating. haha! The Vnese people are used to this so it is no big deal to them. I was surprised that there was no beer at this event - a first!! Again, I was like in the inner circle.

Then Thu and I left for Sgn in a taxi, which is about a 2 hour ride. We would split the fare, so my part was about $15 or less. It was now about 4 pm and for some reason the traffic going into Sgn was the worse I can ever remember. I wasn't on a timetable, but at this rate, it would take forever. I guess there was a fire somewhere, which might have caused part of the problem. The driver decided to take a shortcut for part of the way. I am not sure that saved us any time. Finally, in Sgn, he would take me to the hotel first. It was then that I could tell he did not know Sgn at all. All the landmarks that I mentioned were unfamiliar to him. Finally, he was on a road that I knew, so we got to the hotel. We both go out and then Thu took a different taxi to his friend's house. I checked into my usual guest house.

I spent a few days visiting friends in Sgn, and just relaxing. I somehow mentally miscalculated my departure date. On Tues night, about 10:45 pm, looking at the calendar, I realized my flight was leaving in about 2 hours. YIKES!!! I thought I had another full day before leaving. I have never packed a suitcase faster(packed it the wrong word), or checked out quicker. I was out of the room, and downstairs trying to explain to the hotel guy that I had to leave immediately. He tried to use his VISA card machine but it didn't work. Glitch!! So, he said he had to go to the next door hotel. It was then he mentioned my laundry that I was going to pickup tomorrow. NO, I will take it now, wet, unwashed, or however, so he sent someone for that. At 11 pm, I was walking with my bag down the alley to the main street. Luckily, I saw a parked taxi who said he could take me to the airport.

In the taxi, I urged the driver to get there as quickly as possible. Again, the planets must have been aligned, as at this time of night, there is not a lot of traffic, so we were there by 11:25. He did hurry but I noticed the tab was quite a bit higher than normal. Not a time to debate, just pay and be thankful. hehe! The driver looked at the fairly deserted airport, and announced it was closed. I wasn't sure. I told him to wait and found a reader board and my flight. So inside I went, found the ticket counter to check in. There were only a few others in line, as I was the last one to check in. Wheww!! Rushed on through security, which didn't ask me anything, didn't have to remove my shoes, or take my laptop out. hhaha! Again, god was looking out for me. I actually arrived with 15 minutes to spare..Now, I could breathe again. I don't care to relive that experience. Now in the Philippines.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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