Saturday, November 28, 2009

Off to a Flying Start.... breezed through check in and security. I think it pays to have an early flight. Flying United to Seattle, and now their checkin is all “touch screen”. Technology! At first, I thought I was going to have to pay an extra $49 USD for my one bag, but that is only for the second bag. Security had no lines, so I could disrobe and not be rushed. Ha! Then it was on to Powells PDX bookstore. I had ordered a book(Say You’re One of Them) online and opted to pickup at the PDX store, thus saving shipping. (my travel tip for the day!)Well, thank heavens, it opens at 6 am- I had forgotten to check when Powells opened. Now that I have had my one Latte from CoffeePeople(highly recommended by my neice), I can function. Didn’t really sleep well last night, so I am hoping I can catch some “shuteye” on my flight to Seoul.

Took off on schedule from Portland. Short 55 minute flight with no glitches. At SeaTac airport, I stumble around like a blind man trying to find the right gate. I always think is should be easy to navigate my way around an American airport but sometimes I have better luck in foreign airports. Anyway, I rode two shuttle trains to get to gate S. I didn’t worry because I had 4 plus hours before my next flight. And I didn't have to go through security again, which is a small blessing.

Just got my New boarding pass with Asiana Airlines. So now, just waiting to board for the long 11 plus hours to Seoul, Korea. So far so good.. Time to make a few pits stops before boarding again. Say a prayer for me.

1 comment:

Sherry said...

woo hoo!! So far so good, lets hope the good luck continues, Rog...I have u in my prayers..esp on these trips of Take care of yourself, bye, love, Sherry