Yesterday, I walked with about 5 other classes to a local concert where students were playing. Basically, the students walked about 1/2 mile to this huge covered area where they merged with other schools to watch and listen to the concert. The performing students were the school I am working at(Don Quirico Punzi) and from another middle school. The music, which lasted about 3/4 of an hour, was quite good.
Students at this public school do not wear uniforms. They dress in very stylish jeans and poplike style and no dress code. They are all quite friendly and seem to get along well with others. This school has a good reputation and is a springboard to the university for most. Some students live in the country with most of their mothers at home(housewives). The economy doesn't seem to be suffering here, but I have been told that the unemployment is about 11 %. You can't tell it by the way people look, act, or spend money. For example, in Rome, I was behind a woman at MacDonald's who spent $30 and paid with 500 euro bill(which is about $660.
Today, the group is going to the beach because May 1 is a holiday in Italy(worker's day), where at one point, it is really the merging of 3 seas. The weather is suppose to be good. Sunshining now, so a good sign after our thunderstorms yesterday.
Roger, don't know if everyone is checking your site! I do, just because I think about it.
I signed up for the reminders but that doesn't work.
You sound well and seems like an "older" group this time around (you guys have more money!) You are seeing some sites also.
I usually copy your blog and send to Dad.
Keep the blogs coming Roger! I enjoy them a lot and have sent your web site to my neighbor. She likes following your escapades too. Thanks. Beth
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