Our caravan arrive at PDX around 8 pm. I am traveling with 7 other people, going to a wedding in Tre Co, Vietnam. I am considered to be a part of their family, so when asked, I had to go. The groom is a former student at Gregory Heights. VNese people are famous for returning to their country with "boxes" for family still living in their country. Because if this tradition each of them were taking two or more boxes with them, including give me a box to take. So this is quite an ordeal at the ticket counter, but in time, it was all accomplished. Others were doing the same, amazing.
We arrived in Seattle on time and went to the Asiana gate to get rechecked in. One woman in our group, had checked in 4 extra boxes, costing her $400 more. In Seattle, Asiana airlines told her that Horizon had not given her enough paperwork to prove that she had paid $400 for the extra boxes, and directing her to the Horizon main ticket counter in Seattle and I was assigned to help her because her English is not good. I wondered how long this would take and would we actually be able to solve this problem. But off we went.
It was quite a walk down two flights before we were in the right area. I have a problem with my left calf lately so I was trying to walk with a certain amount of haste while still now aggravating it more. I asked everyone I saw for directions to Horizon hoping that none were conflicting. We arrived at the Curtesy Desk. What a misnomer!! There was one older woman working the counter. I explained as clearly as possible the problem, and she looked at me with complete befuddlement. She didn't have a clue as to what to do or how to help us. Trying not to add to the stress, I explained it again and mentioned our connecting flight. Finally she called another employee. This woman seemed to know how to fill out the paper work, and as least gave the first woman some directions. But she was complaining each step of the way, tying several times to open a locked drawer, then finding only one form inside. I finally asked the other woman if she would do it. She refused, now saying she had never done it before. Finally, her supervisor came, seemed to know what to do and directed her step by stye. It was not that difficult. I wanted to ask for her name but chose to let it go, but if she had made us miss our connecting flight, I would have.
The total flight time is almost 18 hours. The flight from Seattle to Seoul is 11 hours, then another 5 hours to Ho Chi Minh. The good part about this flight was we were all sitting together and could converse to pass the time. Asian airlines still know how to feed their passengers. I never get a bad meal and lots of snacks, water and juice along the way. No Charge!!

Arriving late in Saigon, the relatives from VN were all there to great us. They rented a BUS!! Well, considering all the boxes and relatives, it was a good idea. At this point, I left them and I will go to Tre Co next weekend for the wedding. Thanh had rented me a room in Sgn, at a place where I have been many times. $22 a night, rather upscale for me. It is quite hot in Vietnam now so you need air-conditioning in the room or a fan.

I didn't sleep great even though it was quiet and I was tired as I slept very little on the flights. Now, I have checked out and taken the hydrofoil to VungTau, a beach area and where a teacher friend lives. Thanh did stay with me last night but didn't come to VungTau, I rode on the back of the motorbike from the wharf to my hotel. It cost me one dollar and a safe ride.

Now, my goal is to just relax for a few days, enjoy my friends here and the beach, before going to another place.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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